PostedClick HERE! Do it. I dare you.
I made it through the week! I took my four tests. Two of them were for my crazy hard math classes and I'm so happy because a got an 82 on my advanced calc test and a 96 on my stats test. I know that the 82 doesn't sound great, but I came out of the test thinking I didn't do well, and I have never, EVER gotten anything close to a B on an advanced calc test because that class is so hard. I literally almost cried with joy when I got that test back. I'm not kidding. My other two tests I won't get the results of for about 6 weeks, but I'm pretty sure I will be taking them again next semester. Oh well. That is why I took them early, so that I had more opportunities to take them before I graduate.
The Praxis was insane. They are so strict about everything you do. You can't drink water during the test in case someone gulps too loud. You can't use mechanical pencils. If you have a cell phone in the building they can kick you out of the test. You can't replace the batteries in your own calculator if they die during the test (the guy has to do it for you). They told someone that they were coughing too loud. They check your ID three times during and after the test, even though you have never left the room. Yeah...it's a bit extreme, and all of this was at 7:30 on a Saturday morning when I was already exhausted and already kind of grumpy. After this test, I came home and took a really long nap and then spent the rest of the day watching Gilmore Girls and hanging out with Colt. I gave my brain a break from math. I think I would have exploded had I thought about math for one more minute.
7 more days of school until Thanksgiving break. 12 more days of class total, 3 finals and then I'm headed to Salt Lake to see the lights and the Motab Christmas concert. Then I get to go home for Christmas. I can't wait!
I'm allowing myself a five minute study break. The only things getting me through this week are Colt, Dr. Pepper, white chocolate candy cane kisses, and of course my family and friends.
Anyone want to take over advanced calc for me?
Back to studying...maybe I should put a picture up of the review sheet. Then you would all understand that not only is the material horribly hard, but the professor's handwriting is impossible to read, so it is like translating a foreign language that you don't speak. Fun.
I am still sick! I can't remember the last time I could breathe through my nose.
Next week I have 4 tests.
One in probability and statistics...it will be ok.
One in advanced calculus...why don't you just shoot me right now. I hate that class...I'm so sick of writing proofs that I don't really feel like go anywhere. I'm also tired of the professor that states a theorem and then says, "you know this, you know this." Well, no. I don't. That would be why I'm taking this class.
Another test is the exit exam. I have to pass to graduate. No calculator, no scratch paper, just me for two hours calculating things and remembering formulas that I haven't used in two years. I'm hoping the nation in general is dumb because my score is based on my percentile in the nation.
The last test is the praxis. I have to pass that one to graduate too. It's Saturday morning at seven. There's a nice way to start the weekend.
Oh and I have a paper to write.
I'm feeling overwhelmed! Anyone have words of encouragement? What are you looking forward to this week?