The Cabin

Posted by: Karen

As was previously mentioned, I went to Colt's cabin last night with some of our friends. I have been to this cabin quite a few times now and I can really say that it is one of my favorite places to go. I thought I should share this happiness with everyone else.

This is me and Colt about to go to the cabin:

Not a flattering picture, but I thought I would post this one for those of you that didn't believe I actually got on a snowmobile again (that would mostly be my family):

This is Colt making pancakes and hot chocolate for breakfast :)

This is Colt's parents' room. It is gorgeous...I wish you could see the whole thing.

And this is the BEAUTIFUL kitchen in the cabin. I love it so much.

We went up last night and made dinner, hung out by the fire, played games and watched movies. This morning we played in the snow and rode around on snowmobiles until we had to leave because I had to go to work. It was the perfect way to end a busy, stressful week. I love the cabin!

On a side a checker at a grocery store I beg all of you to refrain from going to the store the day before the Super Bowl. Lin's was full of grumpy customers wanting their beer and chips to celebrate and I almost went insane.

Best Friends

Posted by: Karen

Meet my best friend, Alli:

People think we are so weird because we sing songs about being best friends and we quote Gilmore Girls all the time. We have crazy inside jokes that no one understands, and we laugh at each other just because we both find each other hilarious, even though no one else does. That's why I love her...she understands me. I love my best friend, she's the greatest.


Posted by: Karen

You know those weeks when all you really want is to take a nice, hot shower and then get in your warm, squishy bed and go to sleep? Yeah...that has been all I have wanted for the last two weeks. Instead, I have spent all my time studying math and learning dances. I have learned 7 dances in a week and a half. Psycho. My whole body is sore and tired, and showering is seriously the best feeling in the world. Sleep is rare but that's ok because all of it is worth it. I love dancing on tour team. I love the dances I have learned, and I love progressing. Sometimes I forget how much I love being busy, but I think I feel a sense of accomplishment when I am.

Last night, however, I decided to take a break. Colt and I went to Winger's for dinner and then went to his house to watch A Goofy Movie. I fell asleep in the middle of it, which was around 8:00. He took me home where I passed out on my bed and didn't wake up again until my alarm went off at 5:30 this morning for practice. It was the best sleep I have had in a long time.

Tonight I'm hoping to stay motivated enough to get lots of math homework done, and maybe even some work for my retarded online education class. Thankfully the week is almost over and then I get to go to Colt's cabin with all my best friends. I'm so excited to go to the happiest place on earth!

Posted by: Karen

School has started and is actually better than I expected it to be. My classes are fun and I'm enjoying school again! It's a miracle. I still don't like my abstract algebra class...too much theory...too many proofs. It's just too much for one brain to think about! Someday maybe I'll understand it. My other classes are significantly easier and give me a nice break from math. I love being able to study French, history, and education instead of just math. I'm also taking 2 ballroom classes which are helping me improve a ton. If anyone is trying to work on their samba, I promise it will give you a six pack.

Speaking of ballroom, we had tryouts last week and I made the tour team. I'm so excited! I miss dancing with Alli though.

Anyway, now I'm just enjoying my day off before I start being crazy busy again. Thank goodness for days off!

Posted by: Karen

I'm finally back. After a long few months full of finals, work, ballroom, family, Christmas, and relaxing, I have finally come back to the blogging world.

I'm not ready to start school tomorrow. I want more time to relax and be with my family and friends. Unfortunately, I don't have a choice. I got to go home for 10 days over Christmas which was wonderful. I love when my whole family is together. We spent all our time playing games, watching movies, reading, eating, and lounging together and I loved every minute of it. Being with my family was the best Christmas present!

Since being back from Colorado I have mostly been working. I've also spent time watching House with Alli and Colt. On Friday night, Colt invited me to go to his cabin with his family. His cabin in snowed in, so you have to take snowmobiles to get there. Considering the horrible accident I was in on a snowmobile in high school, I was not excited for that part. I'm happy to report that I made it there and back with no accidents and I'm now not as scared anymore, although it's still not my favorite thing to do.

I'm going to spend today going to church and then mentally preparing myself to be back in school, classes, and ballroom which will be kind of a shock for my brain that doesn't want to go back to reality.