My Math World
PostedFor the last few semesters all I have taken is education classes and lots of math. This semester, the only classes I have are upper-division math classes. It is only the third week of school and I'm just about ready to die. Everyday I come out of my Advanced Calculus class wanting to cry and asking myself why I picked this major. That class is HORRIBLE. There are no numbers, just proofs. I have taken classes like that before, but this is a whole new level of hard. I don't understand a word the professor says and I'm so lost that I wouldn't even know how to ask a question. Everyone in the class feels that way, which does give me some comfort. After attempting to do the homework tonight I was asking myself why I put myself through such agony. Then I remembered how much I love math. I love the feeling after I have solved a difficult math problem or finished a long, complicated proof. I love the way math makes me think and the reasoning behind it. I love having nerdy math discussions with my family when we all get together and actually being able to understand and keep up with them. So I guess even though I hate this particular math class and the horrible proofs that come with it, I have to just suck it up and take it because it will be worth it in the end.
karen! how fun you have a blog!!
I am tired just reading do you do it??
will we see you in december??
Proofs--just the thought of them now makes my head spin! Thankfully the only thing I have to proof now in my life is the yeast, when I make bread.