Exciting News!

Posted by: Karen

In my last blog I mentioned some exciting news that was coming later, and now is the time for that exciting news. I have held this secret in for a little over a week now and I can't take it anymore...it's killing me!

We are getting married!! On August 15, 2009 in the Denver Temple, Colt and I are getting married. I'm so excited! I don't have my real ring yet (when I get it, I will definitely post a picture), but Alli and I picked it out and we are going to buy it this week. Until I get that ring, I'm wearing Colt's mom's old ring.

Anyway, I'm sure lots of wedding details will be posted soon and often this summer, but until then I'm just so excited to be getting married to my best friend in 138 days!


Posted by: Karen

No, I'm not dead. I'm really just extremely busy and haven't been home long enough to write a blog lately. I have spent the last month doing tons of ballroom things. We had Dancing with the Stars (the SUU version), a trip to Vegas and Pahrump to perform and compete, a mid-semester tour around Utah, Arizona, and Nevada, and today we leave for Idaho for the weekend. Our mid-semester tour was fun. Most of our time was spent driving, sitting in theaters, performing, doing workshops, and hanging out, but it was fun. I loved getting to know people on my team better, and I especially loved spending tons of time with Colt. He had to drive his truck, so Marlayna was kind enough to always assign me to his truck so I could be with him. It was exhausting though. We traveled about 2000 miles on the whole trip and performed all over the place.

School and work are crazy as well. I'm busy trying to find time to study for my exit exam so that I can graduate next year from school. I have to take that in April and it is apparently very difficult. It's hard to believe that I'll be graduating next year, it feels like I just got here!

Other than that my life consists of finding time to sleep and eat (both kind of rare) and missing my family. That and some exciting news which is coming later...


Posted by: Karen

On Saturday I started to get a horrible cold. Sunday was spent laying in bed miserable and sleeping until I had to go to work and stay until midnight. It was awful. I just sat on the service counter and did nothing for three hours (no one in Cedar City comes to Lin's on a Sunday night). So yesterday I was even more miserable. I couldn't breathe and I was coughing and basically just felt horrible. Alli had been bugging me about taking this medicine that she said works really well for colds. I'm generally skeptical of medicines and I hate taking them so I told her maybe later and never tried it.

Last night I finally caved. I went to Walmart with Alli and got Zicam. It's like a miracle! You just squirt it in your nose and then all of a sudden you can breathe! I love being able to breathe. It made it possible for me to sleep through the night and it makes it so that I can function during practice. I wish I could make a commercial for Zicam because I would totally rock that commercial. I will use Zicam for all my future colds...I will never go back. It is seriously so amazing.